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CHROMTECH :  Specialists in Chromatography
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Some OEM Products ( File-prefix > “ X “ s > “ 404 Error   have been “ Archived “

Manual PDFs are still available ! for reference  ONLY ! > 
but ASK ! as we may offer ALTs ! > Flip HTML5 !

Restek Literature generally is updated regularly > Older
 material is kept for “archive” Purposes > and as a Customer
TECHNICAL Resource see 2011-22015-6 (& Current) Catalogs,
but some items are no longer available / superceded ! > ASK !
Printed Catalogs also have been  discontinued by Restek !

Chromtech-AUS has been doing business with many Nuclear > Gas > Oil > Coa &, Energy Companies even >>> Wood Companies & over >25+ years !-
& ‘til Fusion “ever” becomes Viable ! > limitation > THE “Grid” !

-- Without Prejudice ! :  OUR CHOICE . Do Otherwise !
 > it’s at YOUR Hypocrisy ! & YOUR LOSS !
. . .  Notable that 1/3 of WW Energy STILL ! is from burning “cow dung”
 > in impoverisehed  underdeveloped > “negelected” > “despot” Countries !

   re Global Warming  but nowClimateChange !
( since downgraded ? )> proportionately > “renewables” & THAT’s OK ! > but ONLY as appropriate ! & IF Viable !

but We Do SEEK Mutual Co-operation > collaboration > interaction
with “like-minded” associates !

a DRAFT version ONLY > padded out here
in the PC version here ! but ?

Jan 22 > with ALL “due” respect > SO !  wake up Dan ! . . .
U R literally DONE !   IT Is Over !
. . . & hopefully Labor > in general !

Contra . . . !
Each Individuals Immune “System” is compromised > exacerbated by isolation > enforced locked downs etc!
your rules have “simply” been crazy ! . . . for all intents & purposes !

You guys just don’t seem to learn from “history” !
> concede IT’s ALL been a scam ?
. . .  a grand distortion ! . . . at best !

re > Covid19 2020 "lockdown(s)

" No Problems ! Business as Usual after-all ! WE are Home-based . . .  anyway ! . . . in Melbourne !. 
the most livable city in the World ! >
Now the “ Lock-down “ Capital > 2nd Only to Perth / WA
 perhaps ?

Virus re "pandemic" > in hindsight 2022 ? > ALL predictable !
CV19-mutates>"OhMy Con"(?) > NO worse than "abnormal" annual 'flu ! > Individuals Immune systems tend to self-regulate to the environment “bugs” ! : Lockdowns, masks are counter-productive. Ivermectin ( hydoxychloroquine ? etc )  helps
( used correctly ) . . . despite TGA edicts; vaccines are
 temporary ! ;  immunization ameliorates symptoms ONLY, NOT virus spreading !
Co-morbity factors "exploited" to justify medical "distortions" !
Indirect consequence > WW Trillions $$$ cost ! Cost Benefit analysis > "the scientific principthe ddT" < forgotten ?

WHY ? They are literally “too cheap” for TGA
and the Pharma Cos
to bother with . . . like Aspirin, Vitamin C, the ddT “purphy”
( > arguably still ! . . .  the case of ddT and “thin eagle eggs” and
the “short term” consequences of completely banning it  in effect probable “genocide “of millions thru disease . . . mosquitoe -born )

The UN(WHO) in fact “reneged” on a replacement in effect for cents per human- life ( still non-exposed > expedience ! )

“Nuclear proliferation” from to ‘60s prematurely destroyed
any impetus of potential Nuclear Energy using the right sort
or technology at the time for the sake of
“dirty Uranium” > war-mongering

Energy Crises > short term NO!

Oil, Gas 100s of years current WW reserves. Nuclear ONLY
long term answer proven safe most countries are exploiting it
New reactors ( LFTR ) > compact modular ?the way to go !
Wind & Solar a minor contributor useless for" base load"
> Banning of Coal ( in Australia > an extreme absurd case)
> All 100 years premature at huge  bridging cost > an absolutely futile political > economical counter-productive !

Global Warming > a "scam" ?

> NOW > Climate Change ALL arguable > R&D Yes !
> "Cause & Effect" NOT proven ! Cost trillions $$$ unsubstantiated ! Indications are IPCC predictions proven exaggerated ( via 20+ years satellite measurements ).
Man-made CO2 a cause Maybe ? yes 1 but a lesser contribution > natural factors ! Global Temperatures are cyclic.
In the '70s cooling > mini Ice Age was the vogue !
> Too many variables > Climate modeling for All " intents & purposes " a " farce" > Completely Initially ignored the main GH factors > moisture, cloud effects; solar & associated cosmic rat perturbations > longer term planetary algnement gravitational effects > Milankovic Cycles NOT so hypothetical . . . these days !
and the fact that historically Global temperatures always precede CO2 change ! Ice Cap melting  Sea rise flooding
 a consequence & its effects now being discounted
> a "beat up ? debatable Yes!
Proportionate funding ONLY ? NOT the destruction of World "economies” in the process ? a "wild goose chase" !

Electric Cars > Hydrogen(H2) Economy? ( & even More Crazy  !)
..being enforced ( prematurely ) on false premises Only exacerbates any so-called Energy "Crisis" ! > exageration> “scare” campaigns
Any political "knee-jerk" reaction requires huge unaccounted panic infrastructure costs.
H2 is simply not cost effective with known / current technology ( via hydrolysis of water ) > highly inefficient for mass use ! with the necessary back-up prime energy

Australias Unique situation !

Under utilised resource potential !
Larger(-est) WW reserves of Gas, Coal, Iron Ore, Uranium Ore and unused potential water resources. with global agricultural potential recognised and largely ignored for > a century !
 Lack of "guts" by Governments in planning > short term political mind-set ( a "foible" of so-called democratic "hiatus".
Stifling lack of initiative of current financial systems > banks misdirected funding  constricted housing market land infra-stucture limitations imposed > inflated housing prices !
Australia has become a " short term quarry " for the World > financial greed and consequences > the destruction
of Australian manufacturing base ( Steel Industry )"Govts"
are too intent on exploiting.
Planning should be focused more on "value adding" to re-create some sort of manufacturing sector "base"
Education system is geared more towards educating and indirectly funding Int'l schemes rather than "local"
> "high tech" educating directly our "opposition" confrontational countries. > we are "cutting our own throat"
Notable lack of skilled workers in Australia with the intent of "bludgers" deliberately Not working
and subsidised into & accepting being "dumbed down" > the" brain drain" syndrome
For example CSIRO is funded ONLY for R&D to the prototype stage > private enterprise hasn't the "guts" to invest in constructive new business enterprises
Yet we train / educate imports who a have been often proven to be mere "stooges" to "cherry pick" our potential > still evolving technology !
Universities have been largely diverted into non-consequential idealogical cultural issues > general politics
> far to much emphasis on IT !

> much more important issues at stake ! . . . like WWW-3 potential and the threat of Chinese political > economic dominance
> Nothing NEW ! they deserve their “moment of glory”, resurgence in History

but for the extremism  and hostile bullying of most of the Worlds still under-developed economies

IT is they who are heading into the “finite nature” of the Earths “resources”
 at an accelerating “unsustainable pace

So far Technology has kept this under control in the past and with a timely chance in the future

We can’t All emulate the likes of the  “IT Gurus’ ( Zuckerburg etc )
but Elon Must might just be a worthy practical “ role model “ hopefully all devoid of self perpetuating bureaucracies > Governments and “control freaks”

some Answers > for Australia !

"ad finitum" . . . to be continued !

This "diatribe" more as a BLOG to attract Google algorithm "ranking" you might think ! hhhm! maybe !

We have All been side-tracked by the "Greenies", by the
"Left"  non-thinking > hysterical "fringe elements" in society, "politically blackmailed" by a few % minority by the largely passive majority All too ready to exploit the contrived situation(s) ! with the other 5% “Top-end of Town” being the “all-too-obvious “ ,“ beneficiaries
! . . . but tosolve the worst of them ???“ Not so !
. . . > It’s ALLcalled “human greed” > monetary, ego > power !

Someone needs to do a “cost analysis” of the overall pandemic consequences vs the casualty rate
( in COVID deaths )

“guess-timated” at 10-100s Million$’s per life !

> negligble compared to costs associated with hospital immobilisation. individually the rates of cardio, cancer and and other preventable “disease deaths“/ anguish caused indirectly by postponed “ elective surgery ”

These and even the common ‘flu ) far exceeds the direct casualties of COVID19 and “degenerates” itself !
and largely artificially extreme COSTS being imposed on society

Fortunately in hindsight many “ enlightened ” Countries are
now becoming more aware > After more than 2-3 years

after All it is widely acknowledged the cause was by
“mis-adventure” originating most probably (  accidentally
or  even deliberately ) from Chinas’ Wuhan Institute
> arguably still (?) “aided & abetted”
. . . by certain Western “influences” > Faust maybe B.d.n jnr etc

CT > My BLOGS 2022 Update-m4

> a TECH Resource for   Analytical Chemists !


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hhhmm ! > forget it ! ?

WE do apologise if IT
ALL appears a bit
“archaic”?? in design ?

    • if U find it difficult to Navigate

this CHROMTECH Site has ”evolved “ from literally 
day ONE of the WEB
1992+ never-ending !
some Supplier
Product Lines
 may i have disappeared
by attrition in a “never unchangingWorld !
 please Use
TECH Literature Resource
Work WITH us !
and we’ll attempt
to find ALTs to try bring YOU
up to speed !

MOBILE > a preview ONLY ?
but ITs’
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Flip Library Bookcase ~100Catalogs

for THE detail !

on PCs >are Very
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AS for OUR
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WE Do try keep prices
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 these as “Indicative” ONLY but we will try & Honour it ??
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invariably we have used PayPAL > in the past
for CC Payments >

BUT If U find PP diffcult ?

an AUS based CC Method
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more in “sync”??
with THE Aust Bank
“Regulation” System??
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  • Payment Details
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